Athletes, Coaches & Paddling Community
Please see CKO Sprint’s events and program updates below.
CKO Sprint Summit Series - Reconnect - Round Table Sharing of Best Practices & Networking for Club Administrators
Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 7:30 pm
The Summit Series is an opportunity for the paddling community to come together, share ideas, network, and gain inspiration for future programming. Our 'Reconnect' session is targeted towards club administrators. Participants are asked to lead a five-minute discussion on what their club excels at. Potential discussion areas include programming, governance, funding opportunities, coaching, volunteer recruitment and retention, community engagement, equity, diversity and inclusion programs, and communication strategies. Full event information and registration can be found here.
Ontario Team, U14 Academy Team & SO Team February Ski Camps
February 2-5, 2023
Our upcoming February Nordic ski camps are taking place in Gatineau, QC and Barrie, ON for Ontario Team, U14 Academy Team, and Special Olympic Team athletes. Camp details have been provided to the invited athletes. The camp information packages can be found here.
Ontario Cup - Ski Race
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Our annual Ski Race is scheduled for February 5, 2023, in Gatineau, QC and Barrie, ON. The event is open to all members, alumni, and paddling community. Event details and club entry forms are available on our event page here. The registration deadline is Monday, January 30, 2023.
CKO Sprint's Development Coach Mentoring Program
Application deadline Wednesday, February 15, 2023
As part of CKO Sprint's commitment to coach recruitment and retention, we have updated our Development Coach Mentoring Program (DCMP) to better support emerging coaches throughout the year. Starting in February, identified coaches will receive resources and support in the areas of technical knowledge, coach education and professional development, competition and event management, athlete support and leadership. The program is intended for coaches working with LTAD Training to Train stage athletes. Full program information and coach application form can be found here. The application deadline is February 15, 2023.